Tuesday, July 1, 2008

020708 Offer Sizing machine

We are offering - subject unsold:

Ref: 020708
1 Benninger Ben Sizetec Sizing Machine

year 1998, with headstock/beaming machine working width 240 cm, beam
disc diameter 1000 mm, 1 sizing box double dip - double nip, working width 220 cm, 8 drying cylinders, working width 240 cm,
thereoff 4 teflonised, at input possibility to work from sectional warpbeam, 2 input-creels for primary warpbeams each 12 positions,
1 Benninger Ben Direct 1000 direct warping machine
year 1998, working width 180 cm, max. beam disc diam. 800 mm,
with warpcreel "Belmont" 648 ends - pitch 280 mm.

Price: upon request
Pictures: upon request